Monday, July 16, 2007

1.27 - Problem Graffiti

MONKEY ISLAND, FEBRUARY, 2002 - Graffiti is a big problem here on the island, yet, our lifestyle is so laid-back that even elected officials have a hard time taking anything very seriously. Which can make enforcement of this quality-of-life crime somewhat problematic, given that so many artists live here, and so few of them consider the decorating of building walls to be criminal. In fact, the entire fabric of Monkey Island's society was founded by so many of the artists whose tags adorn public buildings, that prosecuting them would most likely lead to total anarchy.

Take Governor Stefano, for example. As an avid muralist and professional housepainter (given that the governorship is only a part-time position with a token salary, he has to make a living somehow, and a token is worth only a buck-fifty in these parts) he has accessibility to the materials and scaffolding which allow him to make his presence known. Given too, the limited number of houses to paint, he finds himself with lots of time on his hands

The Governor likes to let our citizens and visitors know he keeps an eye on things, no matter what or where those things may be. A lot of folks here compare him to George Orwell's Big Brother, and, although he was first elected in 1984, the similarities end there. In fact, the only thing they have in common is that they're both fictional.

The building that this mural covers is actually the governor's own warehouse and campaign headquarters; the fact that he has reformed himself from being a nuisance artist was the cornerstone of his original election drive. Located on the only road leading into town from the ferry landing (see Vol. 1, No. 3) its also one of the first things visitors see.

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